Thursday, November 14, 2013

What Does Language Look Like?

   This project has been pretty crafty so far...lovely. For this project we were each assigned a word. I was assigned the word "squeeze". For our individual words we were to come up with about twenty five different designs of the word and how to convey the definition in the design. Some of my favorite that I designed are pictured below. After we designed them, we had a couple rounds of critiques to help us finalize what we wanted our final design to be.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hallmark Symposium- Emily Martin

   Emily Martin is an artist who went to the University of Iowa and received a degree in Painting. She is now making books, postcards, and prints for her business, "The Naughty Dog Press". Throughout the presentation, we got to see a variety of her different books that she has made, and we also got to learn a little bit about the process that she goes through to make each book. Mrs. Martin had mentioned that some of her more intricate, detailed books can take close to a year to make, and some could take three to four months depending on the size and detail. My favorite book that she showed us was the double tunnel book about her mother who had dementia called, Out There In Here. I liked this one so much because of her creativity with the subject. She could've gone so many different ways, but this way is an interesting way to look at dementia and what that person is going through. This presentation was short and sweet, but filled with creativity and detail-oriented work. I was inspired to really think outside of the box with some of the upcoming projects and can't wait for the next!