Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our presentation and critique: Semi-Final

   Today my group and I presented our testing and results and in return we got some feedback. Some of the feedback from the class as well as people we talked to about our project along Jayhawk Boulevard was that the signs needed to be bigger. Brittany. Kevin, and I redesigned the poster as well as made it larger. Here is a preview of what it looks like right now.

Testing our Wayfinding Solutions

   My group and I ended up choosing a blue poster for our project. We printed them out and I mounted them to some cardboard. Then, Brittany and I set up the whole project outside of Marvin, putting up the posters on the two light poles, and buildings along the way to the handicap entrance along with a duct tape path (for testing purposes; we would obviously use a more permanent solution if we were actually implementing this on campus) beginning from Jayhawk Boulevard to the Art & Design handicap entrance. Here are some pictures of our testing.