Monday, September 23, 2013

Process Book

Tonight, I'm trying to get all the last second pieces added to my process book for our project, "What is Good Design?". The whole process of this project has been a bit stressful, but it was a lot of fun being able to design a poster. I think I may have been a little bit more interested if the project was over a group of objects that had good design; I think it may have been a little easier to do with more objects....but with more objects it could get messy and cluttered. I am happy with how my poster turned out and how my process book is looking! I am going to try and keep up with the process book a little better with the next project so I can have it done more in advance. My favorite part of this project was being able to use InDesign and take the poster in almost any direction we want. Below is a picture of my finished project and the title page of my process book!

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