Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reflection on Reading Response #1: Understanding Design

For this reading response, there were a few different sections from three different books we had to read. Usually, I don't like reading...but this was actually some very interesting material to read. I read excerpts from "Understanding Design" by Kees Dorst, "Toothpicks & Logos- Design in Every Day Life" by John Heskett, and "By Design" by Ralph Caplan.  I enjoyed reading these and I am taking them into consideration while choosing my five, well-designed objects. I thought Dorst's book/excerpt  was the most intriguing. I was the most involved with that book mentally and in my notes. All of the points he made about what design is and how to describe it are ridiculously accurate, and help with how I think about design. How design is problem solving, evolution, learning, etc. I would eventually (when I have the money..broke college life!) like to get the full books of these and read all the way through them to dig deeper into their thoughts and works with design! 

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