Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is Ethnography?

   One of the assigned readings is over Ethnography; what it is, how to be an ethnographer, etc. This first reading was from Two West Discovery and Design. The object of ethnography is to determine how the consumer sees the product, the service, the innovation. Often, this is weird to us. We can’t see into the consumer’s head because we are, in a sense, captive of our own heads and hearts.  We have our own way of seeing and experiencing the world. This becomes somewhat of a barrier. Ethnography is designed to give us a kind of helicopter experience. It takes up out of what we know and lowers us into the world of the consumer. Ethnography is a confusing and time consuming method. When we first begin, we don’t know what we need to be asking. We are surrounding the consumer’s world looking for a way in.  Eventually, we formulate questions to figure out what works and what doesn't. We eventually begin to see how they see the world. This method is designed to allow us to learn through conversation rather than the typical, pre-planned and rehearsed questions. This lets the consumer feel as if they are the expert, and that they know what is best. After having the conversation, we have plenty of data, cultural and industrial information that we can start to look for ways to help the consumer. To make what they actually want and need.

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