Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Yay! Second semester!

   I am super excited for this semester and all of the great projects it will bring. My first project is a Wayfinding project. Wayfinding encompasses all of the ways in which people and animals direct themselves in physical space to navigate from point to point locations. Wayfinding can be indoors (architectural) and outdoors. Architectural wayfinding is commonly known as indoor navigation, which uses maps, information desks, or kiosks. Outdoor wayfinding uses street signs, maps, gps navigation, overhang signs on highways, markings on roads and buildings, etc. Wayfinding is used everyday by everyone without even knowing it sometimes.
   For this project, my group and I decided to create a path that would lead students from Jayhawk Boulevard to the Handicap entrance of the Art & Design building. This is important because right now there is a lot of construction between the normal path, so this will make it a lot easier for handicapped students trying to get to their art classes! What we plan to do is make a slightly raised path leading from the main sidewalk on Jayhawk Boulevard all the way to the entrance so that it is super easy to get to. We are also going to have signs posted on the light poles that are along the path and on the side of the building as well. This entrance is difficult to find, and is usually not well known unless you ask around.
  After we put up the path and the signs we are going to test it on our friends and maybe a few random people walking along the sidewalk to see how easy or difficult it was to get from Jayhawk Boulevard to the entrance. I am excited to get the ball rolling on this and see what creative things we can do! :)

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